0-120V Battery Charger Control Module for Li-Po/Li-Fe/Li-Ion/Gel etc. Chargers - XH-M602

This module allows for automatic control of the charger while charging 0-120V batteries of any type Li-Po, Li-Fe, Li-Ion, gel, etc.
When the battery voltage drops below the set value, the module will start the charger. When the battery is charged (to the set voltage), it will turn off the charger, thus protecting the battery against overcharging. Extremely easy to use device will keep the battery in good shape for many years. The minimum voltage can be set to 0.0V up to the max. 120V. The ranges are changed by holding the left (minimum) or right (maximum) button longer.
- Supply voltage: 220V
- Working voltage: 0-120V
- Voltage tolerance: +/- 0.1V
- For batteries: 0-120V
- Dimensions: 59x87x29mm
- Weight: 120g
Set contains:
- XH-M602 battery charger control module - 1 pc