20A 300W 1.2-35V Adjustable DC-DC Step Down Voltage Converter Module

Step down converter converting DC voltage from anything between 6V and 40V to adjustable range of 1.2-35V. Screw terminal blocks on both input and output makes it requiring no soldering.
Adjustable current and voltage (two potentiometers)
It can act as a regulator for a photovoltaic panel, LED power supply, charger, speed controller, etc.
The voltage at the output will of course always be lower than at the input
The voltage can only be adjusted down, while the current can be adjusted up and down
The overall power depends on the current, i.e. 15A with additional cooling 20A
This model of the inverter allows you to set a higher current than is given at the input, e.g. Input is 30V and 1A and the Output is 2A and 14.5V, which means that by connecting it behind a photovoltaic panel (standard 250W) 31.25V 8A, you can get e.g. 24V 10A, which works better than PWM charge controllers. If properly adjusted, you can get the maximum power point (MPP)
Making a short circuit on the output does not damage the converter - tested up to 10A (according to the manufacturer up to 20A)
Technical data:
Input voltage 6-40V (50V input capacitors)
Output voltage 1.2- 36V Potentiometer adjustment
On the input side, there is a signaling LED and a switch
Output current Max 20A to 10A without additional cooling (Intensity potentiometer adjustment also up)
The current consumption at idle is about 30mA
Frequency 150KHz
Efficiency up to 96%. Efficiency decreases at extreme loads.
Module dimensions: 60mm x 53mm x 27mm