Buffer - Powder to Calibrate Water PH Tester Meter - PH4.01 PH6.86 PH9.18

Buffer - Powder for calibration of PH4.01, PH6.86, PH9.18 Water Testers.
The contents of the sachet should be dissolved in 250 ml of demineralized water at a temperature of 25C. After the powder is completely dissolved, the meter can be calibrated.
The water quality tester is a device designed to test the purity of water. It measures the total amount of all dissolved substances in water (PPM), conductivity (µS) and temperature (° C).
0-170 PPM water is perfect for consumption.
Water 170-500 PPM is medium quality water.
Water of 500 PPM and more is polluted water.
The water quality meter is easy and convenient to use with a very wide range of applications useful in:
- aquaristics,
- pharmacy,
- cosmetic plants,
- medical,
- analytical laboratories,
- home.
It can be used to evaluate water quality in a tap, aquarium, swimming pool, river.
Water Tester Calibration Powder:
PH4.01 - 1 sachet
PH6.86 - 1 sachet
PH9.18 - 1 sachet