CC2531 Sniffer Bare Board Protocol Analyzer Module

The CC2531 USB dongle is a fully operational USB device which provides a PC interface to IEEE802.15.4 / ZigBee applications, comes with a CC2531ZNP-Prod firmware, the dongle can be plugged directly into your PC/Raspberry etc used as a Zigbee packet sniffer.
The dongle is an extremely useful and functional USB device that acts as a ZigBee coordinator. It serves as a kind of starting node to which you can connect other IEEE802 compatible devices. Just plug it into a computer or laptop with your Home Assistant and enjoy the user-friendly interface - the gateway has additional CC2531ZNP-Prod software loaded, which allows you to use the ZigBee2MQTT application.
Easy configuration
With the help of the device, you can easily configure and control other compatible Sonoff ZigBee products in your home automation system. However, integration of the CC2531 dongle is recommended. The coordinator can handle up to about 30 devices.
Convenient Home Assistant control
Once you've set up your ZigBee Coordinator, simply pair your desired devices with it. Once this is done, you will have convenient access to information about your hardware, as well as the ability to update its software. Home Assistant control has never been so convenient.
Perfectly made
The ZigBee CC2531 surprises with a very good range and well-thought-out design. The dongle is equipped with, among others, 8 IO connectors, a debug port, a voltage regulator and a powerful SMA antenna. All these components are distinguished by excellent workmanship and ensure reliable operation of the coordinator.