HC-SR04P Sensor - Ultrasonic Distance Measurement 2-450 cm

Universal ultrasonic distance sensor operating in the range of 2 - 450 cm. It is used to measure the distance from an obstacle, it enables the construction of alarm systems, robots, models, etc.
A sensor commonly used to measure the distance from obstacles (e.g. in autonomous robots)
The output is a signal whose duration is proportional to the measured distance.
It is powered with the voltage of 3-5.5 V.
The sensor is not susceptible to solar disturbances and the color of the object.
The sensor can be connected with any development kit, eg Arduino, or minicomputer Raspberry Pi.
The conclusions are Goldpin header connectors of 2.45 mm
The HC-SR04P sensor is compatible with Arduino
We offer several practical holders for the sensor.
Technical data
Supply voltage: 3-5.5V
Average current consumption: 15 mA
Measurement angle 15 *
Measurement range:
5V: 2 cm to 450 cm
3.3 V: 2 cm to 400 cm
Output: frequency signal / UART / I2C
Working frequency: 40kHz
Dimensions: 45 x 20 x 15 mm
2.54mm pitch connector
The sensor itself supports the range from 2 to over 500 cm, however, it is limited by the standard library to 300 cm.
Description of the pins on the HC-SR04 sensor board
Sensor output:
VCC - power supply + 3.3V
Trig - input signal to the sensor
Echo - sensor response
GND - power ground
Notes on connecting the sensor - How the sensor works
To start the measurement, a voltage impulse (high 5V) for 10uS should be given to the TRIG pin.
The module measures the distance using a sound wave with a frequency of 40 kHz.
A signal is sent to the microcontroller, the distance depends on the duration of the high level and it can be calculated from the formula
test distance = (high level time × velocity of sound (340m / s) / 2
test distance - measured distance
high level time - duration of the high level pulse
velocity of sound - the speed of propagation of the sound wave in the air - 340 m / s
In short, to get the result in cm, you can use the formula:
distance [cm] = (high level time [us] * 34) / 1000/2