Holding Electromagnet 12V 60kg - P50 / 30

P50 / 30 electromagnet holds a weight of approximately 60 kg. The electromagnet can be used as an actuator controlled by any microcontroller, eg Arduino.
The electromagnet consumes a lot of power, therefore, when connecting it directly to the microcontroller pin, you must use a relay, optoisolator or a transistor amplifier.
Holding electromagnets are used to electrically lock safety guards in industrial machinery, ventilation flaps, alarm doors and fire barriers, as well as others where it is necessary to unlock after a power failure.
The electromagnet is most effective when working with a steel plate with a thickness of 5mm and more.
It is necessary to ensure heat dissipation from the housing, since with increasing coil temperature, the maximum force decreases. The electromagnet is magnetic when the supply voltage is applied. Without power, it will not attract metals.
Technical data
supply voltage: 12V
lifting force: about 60 kg
dimensions (diameter x height): 50 x 30mm
mounting: M6 screw hole