L298P Stepper & Brush Motor Driver Shield - Arduino

The L298P motor driver in the form of a shield is a driver for DC motors. It allows you to control the direction and rotational speed of two DC motors.
It is based on the popular H L298P bridge, so it can control 2 motors with a maximum current consumption of 2A per channel. It has a built-in buzzer and a number of ready-made connectors for connecting peripherals such as: servo, HC-SR04 distance sensor, Bluetooth module and additional goldpin header connectors. The wide range of power supply allows the use of almost any brushed or single stepper motor.
It is possible to connect directly to the Arduino, which makes it more convenient to use.
Description of the pins of the H bridge and the rest of the peripherals under the Arduino outputs:
D12 - direction of rotation of the motor M1
D13 - direction of rotation of the motor M2
D10 - engine speed control M1
D11 - M2 engine speed control
Buzzer - D4
Servo - D9
Detailed description below in the downloadable technical sheet.
Technical data
The logical part of the input voltage VD: 5V
The driven part of the input voltage VS: VIN Input 6.5 ~ 12V, PWRIN input 4.8 ~ 35V
Logical part of Iss work: <36mA
Driven part of the operating current Io: <2A
Maximum power dissipation: 25W (T = 75 Celsius)
Control input signal level: High 2.3V <Vin <5V, Low -0.3V <Vin <1.5V
Working temperature: -25 to + 130 ° C
Hardware interface: 5.0mm pitch terminal
Drive type: H-bridge dual drive
Pin assignment: Direct drive D4 ~ D7
Supports motor speed control: PWM / PLL mode
Dimensions: 69 x 53 mm