NANO V3.0 16MHz USB Type-C - ATmega328P - CH340 - Clone - Arduino

Universal mini module compatible with the original Arduino, equipped with an ATmega328P microcontroller and a USB connector (version with pins for self-soldering). Can be used in many microprocessor projects. The system is compatible with the Arduino project.
NANO has a CH340 programmer for which an additional driver is needed, which is described below.
Thanks to the convenient USB type-C connector, it is easy to connect this module to a computer and programming. Thanks to its small size, it will be perfect for smaller projects.
The Arduino uses the Atmega328 microcontroller.
Nano has a voltage stabilizer so we can power the module with a voltage higher than 5V.
Nano has a new bootloader installed, which works with Arduino IDE version 1.8 and above.
In the Arduino IDE, select Atmega328p processor.
Product features
The Nano version, like the Pro version, is based on the popular Uno module.
It has an Atmega328 microcontroller.
The board has a USB type C connector with a CH340 chip
The board contains the ATmega328 processor with
32kB Flash memory
1kB of SRAM
1kB EEPROM memory
It is clocked with a 16 MHz clock signal.
The board has pins - outputs / inputs
14 digital pins - can be used as input or output. Pins work in TTL 5V standard. The efficiency of each of them reaches 40mA, and they also have built-in pull-up resistors. Some of the pins have additional functions (UART, INT, PWM, SPI, LED).
including 6 PWM channels, e.g. for controlling servos / motors, e.g. SG-90 Servo
8 analog inputs, each of which enables measurement with 10-bit resolution. Some of the pins have additional functions (I²C, AREF, Reset).
Arduino Nano can be powered
via USB type C cable
unstabilized voltage 7-12V supplied to pin 30 or from a stabilized voltage source 5V.
The system automatically selects the power source with the highest voltage.
The CH340 chip for communication with the computer can only be powered via USB.
The system has a communication system with a computer through:
UART interface - based on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX).
USB - CH340 chip
In addition, I²C (TWI) and SPI interfaces are supported
Works with voltages of 5 V.
Manual reset button
LEDs to control the operation of the system
Connectors arranged on the board allow you to connect the board directly to a breadboard.
This version has goldpin headers for self-soldering
The programming is done with the Arduino IDE, free software that is extremely beginner-friendly. - IDE program -
The micro-controller on the board has a pre-installed bootloader, which allows you to upload software without the use of additional hardware.
as standard, the module includes the BLINK LED 13 program and a bootloader
Additionally, it is possible to program the processor via ICSP.
Technical data
Supply voltage: 5V
Microcontroller: ATmega328 - 16 MHz
Ports - I / O pins: 14
Number of analog inputs: 8
Number of PWM outputs: 6
Serial interfaces: UART, SPI, I2C
External interrupts
Protection against the flow of too much current
The module is made on a 0.8 mm thick FR-4 laminate
Weight less than 5 g.
2.54mm pin spacing (can be mounted in contact plates)
Dimensions: 45 x 19 mm
32kB flash memory
2 timers / 8bit counters
1 timer / 16bit counter
connector: USB type-C
Notes on construction and connection
If the supply voltage is higher than 5 V, it should be connected to the RAW pin, which is connected to voltage stabilizer.
VCC is connected directly to the pins of the microcontroller, connecting a voltage higher than 5V may permanently damage the chip.
Inputs / outputs
Arduino has 14 digital inputs / outputs (I / O).
Each pin allows the consumption of current with a maximum intensity of 40 mA, which allows direct connection of LEDs with resistors and control of other integrated circuits.
In addition to the standard I / O, some outputs also have special functions.
Creating and uploading software is possible thanks to the free environment provided by the manufacturer.
For programming via UART Arduino NANO V3.0, you can use the PL2303 Programmer