NodeMCU v2 CP2102 + WiFi ESP8266 LUA Arduino

Development board ESP8266 ESP12. Educational module of ESP8266 systems. Possibility to communicate with PC-CH340-ESP8266. Perfect for stacking GIPO, I2C, rs232, PWM, 1wire.
The design is based on the ESP8226 system
Equipped with a 3.3V voltage stabilizer
Equipped with a USB-to-UART CH340 converter (power supply and programming directly from the USB port)
Programming using the LUA or Arduino IDE scripting language, version min. 1.6.4.
- The module is based on the ESP8266 system
- 10 GPIO - each can act as PWM, I2C or 1-Wire
- Flash memory: 4 MB
- Built-in microUSB connector
- USB-UART converter CP2102
- Built-in PCB antenna
- Pin pitch: 2.54 mm
- Spacing of connectors: 23 mm
- Module dimensions: 49 x 25 mm
Recommend uploading firmware with 115200 b / s, and the Lua program with 9600 b / s.