PCF8574 1602 I2C Converter for HD44780 LCD Display AVR Arduino

The universal module allows you to control the alphanumeric display 2X16, 4X20 compatible with HD44780 using the I2c bus.
The converter allows you to save pins in the Arduino, using only two signal wires SCL and SDA from the TWI bus. The converter is compatible with most LCD displays available on the market.
Product features
I2C converter for the display with HD44780 driver, thanks to which only two lines are needed to operate the screen - SDA and SCL
The communication interface with the motherboard is the digital I2C bus.
Via the bus, from the level of Arduino you can control both the displayed text and the backlight, turning them on or off at any time.
There is also a potentiometer to adjust the contrast on the board.
The module includes the PCF8574 chip
The supply voltage of the system is 3.6V to 5V
Backlight control by software: lcd.backlight (); , lcd.noBacklight ();
The possibility of changing the bus address by soldering the A0, A1, A2 jumpers.
The module has goldpin pins, enabling easy soldering to the display.
The system has four pins and a jumper, the removal of which turns off the screen backlight.
Application for breadboards, commissioning modules, arduino etc.
The product is compatible with Arduino
Technical data
I2C bus converter
The supply voltage of the system is 3.6V to 5V
Communication with Arduino: I2C bus
The default bus address: 0x27, 0x3F or another after the jumpers are soldered
Dimensions: 42 x 20 x 12 mm
GND - Ground.
VCC - Power +5 V.
SDA - Data line of the I2C bus.
SCL - The clock line of the I2C bus.