Power Supply Module with 1A - 3-20V Filter - AC to DC Graetz Bridge - DIY Kit

Unstabilized power supply module with current efficiency up to 1A at the module output. The module through the Graetz bridge rectifies the voltage from AC 3-20V to DC, and the capacitor - filter smoothes it and stabilizes it, obtaining DC voltage at the output.
Technical data
Input voltage: 3V - 20V AC
Output voltage: DC depends on the input voltage
Input current max: 1A
Max output current: 1A
Frequency range: 50–60 Hz
Graetz bridge with diodes: 1N4007
Filter: in the form of a 470uF 35V capacitor
Converter: AC-DC
Attention !
Incorrect connection of the power polarity will damage the inverter.
This device is intended for experienced DIY enthusiasts, basic knowledge of electronics and soldering skills are required. The company takes no liability for damages resulting from the lack of soldering skills or poorly performed electrical installations.
Check the output voltage and adjust the potentiometer to the correct one, and only then connect the receiving device.