Stepper Motor Driver LV8729 - Silent

Dimensions: 1.5mm * 2.0mm
Maximum drive current: 1.5A (0.8A by default)
Working voltage: 6V-36V, the proposed voltage is 12V
Possible step divisions: 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128
At 64 microsteps or 128 microsteps, you can get a better ultra-quiet effect.
Driver current algorithm and its regulation:
1. I = Vref / 0.5, the default Vref about 0.4V, so the default current 0.8A and the maximum current 1.5A
2. Please do not connect motors during voltage measurement (may lead to short circuit).
3. Connect both the power adapter and USB to power while measuring voltage.
4. Gently adjust the voltage on the controller. Please re-adjust it after measurement to avoid overcurrent burning the driver.
5. To increase the current, slowly turning the potentiometer clockwise and counterclockwise to decrease.
Note: make sure you have properly connected the driver to the board. Bad connection can burn the driver and / or the motherboard. It's worth adding cooling.
Heat sink included.
We have an ESD-safe screwdriver dedicated for this type of pots: