The Most Complete UNO R3 ATmega328 Ultimate Arduino Starter Kit

The Most Complete Ultimate Starter Kit UNO R3 Project Compatible with Arduino IDE
Complete UNO R3 starter kit with over 200 elements and 100% compatible with the Arduino IDE.
Free PDF tutorial on CD (over 35 lessons).
Nice package with clear listing and surprise, including a nice little storage box.
A great starter kit for anyone, even a novice, with little or no experience in electronics and programming. The starter pack contains everything you need (except tools) to take your first step in programming and code creation! A starter kit so that anyone can learn electronics and programming.
Advanced users such as professional laboratory engineers, electronics students, and seasoned programming hobbyists can use this kit to perform all kinds of tests and experiments with so many sensors available.
It is a good choice and a great gift for friends, family or children to take their first steps on the electronic journey.
The highlights of this kit are the UNO R3 328P controller board and expansion board which is perfect for your projects. In addition, you will find over 60 types of components and sensors in the kit, from small parts such as LEDs, resistors and potentiometers to large parts such as LCD1602 display, RFID module and 830 prototype board.
UNO R3 ATmega328P Controller Board *1
22pf Ceramic Capacitor *5
104 Ceramic Capacitor *5
Photoresistor *2
Thermistor *1
Diode Rectifier (1N4007) *5
Electrolytic Capacitor (10uF 50V) *2
Electrolytic Capacitor (100uF 50V) *2
NPN Transistor (PN2222) *2
NPN Transistor (S8050) *5
Tilt Switch *1
Button (small) *5
1 digit 7-segment Display *1
White LED *5
Yellow LED *5
Blue LED *5
Green LED *5
Red LED *5
4 digit 7-segment Display *1
Sound Sensor Module *1
LCD1602 Module ( with pin header) *1
IC L293D *1
IC 74HC595 *1
Active Buzzer *1
Passive Buzzer *1
RTC Module *1
Keypad Module *1
5V Relay *1
IR Receiver Module *1
Breadboard *1
Servo Motor (SG90) *1
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module *1
Rotary Encoder Module *1
Joystick Module *1
Absolutely yes!
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