Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance Servo Robot Kit - HC-SR04 + SG90

Ultrasonic sensor kit with HC-SR04 sensor and micro servo motor SG90.
This ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo motor provides the "view" to your robot. The ultrasonic sensor detects the presence of an object over a distance of 2cm to 4m and the servo motor allows it to be scanned over a field of approximately 180°.
This kit allows you to mount an ultrasonic sensor on a servo motor. Thus, you can add directional capabilities to your design, multiplying the capabilities of your robot. You will be able to provide a quick 180° scan of the robot's environment using this mounting kit.
The assembly is to be done yourself, a set of screws comes with the set.
The set includes:
1x SG90 micro servo motor with connector wires
1x HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor module
1x acrylic mounting bracket
1x set of screws