Universal Proto Shield for Arduino Nano - Prototyping Board

Board module that facilitates the construction of prototypes using Arduino Nano while converting it into Arduino UNO at the same time.
Product features
Extension module for Arduino Nano Arduino NANO boards
This module makes it easier to make prototype systems using small Arduino Nano boards
After soldering the additional pins on the outside of the board, we get a clone of the Arduino UNO board (the same pins and contacts)
The module has made the pins of all the contacts of the Arduino plates and additionally
12V power socket with 5V power adapter
RESET button
Shield has a standard 2.54mm raster - practically all electronic devices fit them (integrated circuits, passive elements, plugs, etc.)
Proto shield has 2 buttons and 2 LEDs that can be used in any way.
The board allows access to all Arduino pins.
Dimensions: 70x54mm
Ports outlets on pin headers
14 I / O Pin (Servo Type with GND, Power and Signal)
8 analog and GND
1 servo power input
I2C output
3.3V output