Waveshare 11324 MicroUSB-UART FTDI FT232RL Converter Arduino

The WAVESHARE USB - UART converter enables communication between two popular serial interfaces, USB and UART. The module is based on the FT232 chip. The module can be used to exchange data between a computer and a device equipped with a UART port, for example: microcontroller systems, GSM and GPS modules, or for programming boards with a serial interface, such as Arduino or STM32.
Chip used: FT232
USB connector: micro
Works with voltages of 3.3 V and 5 V.
Derived signals via goldpin connector: TX, RX, RTS, CTS, GND, VCCIO
Current efficiency of the VCCIO pin: for 5V - 500mA, for 3.3V only 50mA
Supported in systems: Windows XP / Server 2003 / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 / WinCE / Macintosh OSX / Linux / Android
Additional information, drivers, Wiki: www.waveshare.com/wiki/FT232_USB_UART_Board_(type_A)