RF800 "NoClean" Flux 100ml Bottle with Brush

RF800 flux is a medium-active rosin solution that does not require washing.
It is used for machine soldering in both professional and consumer electronics, whitening of cable ends, mixed assembly and soldering of passivated surfaces.
Additionally, the solution is characterized by the fact that it perfectly wets the Cu and PbSn surfaces.
The flux should be stored in its original packaging, away from direct sunlight, in a dry, cool and well-ventilated room.
machine soldering in professional and consumer electronics;
whitening of wire ends;
mixed assembly;
brazing passivated surfaces;
Appearance - amber liquid
Initial boiling point and boiling range - 82 ºC
Flash point (closed cup method) - 12 ºC
Lower explosion limit 2 vol.%
Upper explosion limit 12 vol.%
Relative density (air = 1) 0.794
Solubility - Easily soluble with cold and hot water